Egg Freezing Process: A Guide to Fertility Preservation
2025-01-29 15:40:17
Istanbul Med Assist

Egg Freezing Process: A Guide to Fertility Preservation

The process for preserving a woman's unfertilized eggs so she can try to conceive later on is egg freezing. Whether it’s due to personal reasons, career planning, or medical concerns, egg freezing empowers women to take control of their reproductive timeline.

What is the Egg Freezing Process?

The aim of the egg-freezing procedure is to effectively preserve a woman's eggs safely. The quality of the eggs is maintained throughout time by quickly freezing them to avoid ice crystal formation using sophisticated processes like vitrification. These frozen eggs can later be thawed, fertilized, and inserted into the uterus when a woman is ready to get pregnant through the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Who Should Consider Egg Freezing?

Egg freezing can benefit women in various situations, including:

  • Delaying Motherhood: Women who want to focus on their careers, education, or personal goals.
  • Medical Treatments: Women undergoing cancer treatments like chemotherapy, which can affect fertility.
  • Family History of Fertility Issues: Those with a history of early menopause or genetic conditions affecting reproduction.
  • Uncertainty About Parenthood: Women who want to keep the option of having children open for the future.

How is the Egg Freezing Process Done?

The egg-freezing process usually involves the following steps:

1. Initial Assessment

  • Tests to assess ovarian reserve and general reproductive health are performed by a fertility specialist.
  • Plans are personalized to each person's requirements.

2. Ovarian Stimulation

  • Using hormonal medication, • The ovaries can be stimulated to generate more than one egg during a single menstrual cycle.
  • Regular blood tests and ultrasounds track the development of the egg.

3. Egg Retrieval

  • When the eggs reach maturity, they are extracted using a simple technique known as follicular aspiration.
  • Under mild sedation, eggs are extracted from the ovaries using a tiny needle.

4. Freezing the Eggs

  • The retrieved eggs are rapidly frozen using vitrification, which prevents damage during freezing and storage.
  • The eggs are then stored in specialized facilities until needed.

Benefits of Egg Freezing

Egg freezing offers numerous advantages:

  • Fertility Preservation: Ensures eggs are saved at their healthiest stage, improving chances of future pregnancy.
  • Flexibility: Allows women to plan motherhood on their terms without worrying about declining fertility.
  • Medical Safeguard: Provides an option for women undergoing treatments that may harm fertility.
  • Peace of Mind: Gives women confidence in having children when the time feels right.

Why Early Egg Freezing Matters

Age is a significant factor in fertility. When using frozen eggs later on, women in their 20s and early 30s typically have better eggs. Freezing eggs at a younger age can significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy, even if motherhood is delayed for many years.

Early egg freezing can preserve fertility and guarantee the chance of having biological children in the future for women with diseases like endometriosis or those receiving chemotherapy.

Costs of Egg Freezing in Turkey

Turkey has become the preferred destination for egg freezing, providing the latest technologies and professional assistance at reasonable costs. Women worldwide find egg freezing a viable choice because it is substantially less expensive in Turkey than in many other nations.

At Istanbul Med Assist, we provide world-class facilities, personalized treatment plans, and experienced fertility specialists. The exact cost of egg freezing depends on factors like the number of eggs frozen and the medications required. However, we guarantee affordable rates without compromising the standard of care.


Freeing their eggs is a successful method for women to take charge of their fertility. Whether for personal, business, or medical reasons, this safe and effective method offers comfort and the flexibility to plan for the future.

By freezing eggs during peak reproductive years, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy later in life might be considerably increased for women. With its advanced medical facilities and affordable costs, Turkey provides an ideal destination for this life-changing procedure.

If you’re considering egg freezing, Istanbul Med Assist is here to guide you through the process with personalized care and state-of-the-art technology.

Egg Freezing Price Turkey